Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Green Computing

Green computing (computing or green IT green) is based computing refers to a sustainable environment. This is "the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, use, and dispose of computers, servers, and related subsystems, such as monitors, printers, storage devices, networking and communication-efficient and effective system with minimal or no impact on Green IT environment. also seeks to achieve economic viability and increase system performance and use, while abiding by the social responsibility and ethics. Thus, the scope of green IT environment, economics of energy efficiency, and total cost of ownership, which includes the cost of disposal and recycling. This is the study and practice of using computing resource sefficiently. With the increasing recognition that human-made emissions of greenhouse gases is a major factor of global warming, corporate, government, and society in general now have important new agenda: tackling environmental issues and adopt environmentally friendly practices. Greening of our IT products, applications, services, and practices are both an economic and environmental imperatives, as well as our social responsibility. Therefore, more and more IT vendors and users move towards green IT and thus help in building a green society and economy.
The goal of green computing is similar to green chemistry, reducing the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product life, and promote recyclability or biodegradability of waste products and dead plants
Green computing researchers look at key issues and topics related to energy efficiency in computing and promoting computer technology and environmentally friendly energy systems, including efficient use of computers, design of algorithms and computer systems for environmentally friendly technologies, and other related topics

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